Monday, November 16, 2015

Assassination in Delicias

A considerable police mobilization was registered in the morning of this Thursday in the community of Las Varas, Delicias, it was reported to the emergency numbers that a man had been killed.
Between 6:50 in the morning of this Thursday, policeman of the state and the sheriff corpses were translated to a walnut ranch, located within the city corners, nearby the municipal pantheon, there they had a sight of the dead man, who had several White weapon lacerations within his body.
The deceived hasn’t been identified yet, his age is between 30 and 35 years old, he was wearing blue jeans, a t-shirt, a black colored jacket, and blue shoes.
The general fiscally of the state has been in charge of the scene to begin the corresponding investigation, and therefore give with the responsible of this homicide.

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